In this post, I will discuss the why and how to use React JS Render Props.

Why use Render Props: Promote reuse of behaviour across React components.

If you have read my post on higher-order components this may seem similar. The React community has been working hard on solving reuse across components, and one common theme is passing data to children. However, we will focus here on how to use Render Props - and discuss the differences between HOC and Render Props in another post.

Slovenia mountain range Photo by Ales Krivec on Unsplash

Jump to Higher-order components vs Render Props

How to use Render Props: The value of a prop is assigned a function and is called in the component render method. The function defines what a Render Prop component should render, allowing you to apply cross-cutting logic to any React component.

Example of using a Render Props:

  <FetchData render={(data) => {
    return <p>{data}</p>
  }} />

The prop is called render and is assigned a function however this does not need to be called render. Any prop on the component could be assigned a function including this.props.children.

Example of Render Props using children:

  <FetchData>{(data) => {
    return <p>{data}</p>

As you can see Render Props is defining what the FetchData component should render without having to code it directly into it, making it versatile for rendering different React elements.

How to build a Render Props component

The great thing about the Render Props approach is it’s like building any React component without the boiler code a HOC needs.

First build a standard component

We are going to build a component that fetches contributor data for a repository from GitHub without Render Props.

class ListContributors extends React.Component {
  constructor() {
    this.state = {
      contributorList: []

  fetchContributors = repoPath => {
      .then(data => data.json())
      .then(data => {
        return{ total, author }) => ({
          total: total,
          username: author.login,
          avatar: author.avatar_url,
      .then(contributorList => {

  componentDidMount() {

  render() {
    const { contributorList } = this.state;
    return (
        { => {
          return <ContributorProfile {...contributor} />;

// Usage

<ListContributors repoPath="findmypast-oss/git-mob" />;

The above should render a list of contributors showing author avatar, username, and total commits.

The method fetchContributors gets contributors from GitHub and transforms the raw JSON object to properties we care about. We then map through the list to render out the contributors.

What if we want to use the same data but with a different view? For example, show a graph instead of a list.

We could use an if statement to check a prop, however that would become unmaintainable when supporting more than two views.

Let’s try refactoring the above view to use Render Props to see how that solves this problem.

Render Props refactor

class FetchContributors extends React.Component {
  // only changes in the render method
    const { contributorList } = this.state;
    return (

// render a list

<FetchContributors repoPath="findmypast-oss/git-mob">{
  (contributorList) => => {
    return <ContributorProfile {...contributor} />

// render a graph

<FetchContributors repoPath="findmypast-oss/git-mob">{
  (contributorList) => <ContributorsGraph contributorList={contributorList} />

The only changes here were made in the render method, showing how similar the Render Props approach is to normal components. I also renamed the component to FetchContributors to better explain the behaviour of the component. Now you can see that using FetchContributors with ContributorProfile and ContributorsGraph they can access the same data but render two different React components.

Try it out

I’ve built a more detailed example for fetching git contributors for you to experiment with.


What we see is that Render Props makes it easy to build reusable components - without the boiler code of higher-order components. It’s very clear where the props are being set from. The setup is straightforward by assigning a prop with a function which tells the component what to render.

Libraries using Render Props

Build accessible components using Downshift and the whole of its API is accessed via the render props.

RelayJS QueryRenderer component uses the render prop.

React state management library constate. The API is accessed through the children prop.

Further reading

React JS docs on Render Props.

Michael Jackson post gives good detail on the evolution to reusing logic across components in ReactJS and why use a render prop is best.